
In the news

The Future of the Web Development Market — Industry Insights

The web development market was worth USD 56 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 8.03%, reaching USD 130,971.3 million by 2032.That being said, the deman...

Announcing the Qodly HackDev24 – Code for Gold!

Announcing the Qodly HackDev24 – Code for Gold!


<p>Calling all developers, sports fans, and creative minds!</p><p>Are you passionate about the sport and excited about an exciting event coming up this year? Do you have an awesome app idea? Think training, competition, or just the spirit of the games?</p><p>Then buckle up, because we're thrilled to announce the <strong>Qodly HackDev24!&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, Qodly empowers you to build powerful apps quickly and efficiently.</p><h2>Why Participate?&nbsp;</h2><p>The Qodly HackDev24 is more than just a coding competition. It's a celebration of creativity, innovation, and sport spirit.</p><p>Here's what you can expect:&nbsp;</p><ul><li><strong>Unleash your inner champion: </strong>Conceptualize and develop applications that address various aspects of the games.&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Embrace the Power of Qodly:</strong> Experience the ease and efficiency of building apps with Qodly's intuitive low-code interface.&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Compete and Win Big:</strong> Show off your skills and win exciting prizes for the most innovative and impactful apps.</li><li><strong>Network and Collaborate:</strong> Connect with fellow developers, sports enthusiasts, and Qodly experts during the hackathon.</li></ul><h2>What Can You Build?&nbsp;</h2><p>The possibilities are endless! Here are some inspiring ideas to get you started:&nbsp;</p><ul><li><strong>Athlete Performance Dashboards:</strong> Develop secure web apps that allow athletes to monitor training data, set goals, and track progress in real time.&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Interactive Fan Communities:</strong> Build engaging web platforms where fans can connect, share experiences, participate in polls, and access exclusive content.&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Data-Driven Media Platforms: </strong>Design innovative web applications that provide in-depth sports analytics, historical data visualization, and personalized athlete profiles.&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Nutrition and Hydration Tracker: </strong>A web app that helps athletes track their food intake, water consumption, and electrolyte balance. Users can set goals, receive personalized recommendations, and gain valuable insights into their dietary needs for optimal performance.</li></ul><p>This is just a glimpse of what you can achieve. We encourage you to think outside the box and use your creativity to develop game-changing sports applications. Ready to join the game?&nbsp;</p><h2>How to Register</h2><p>All the information you need to participate in the hackathon is <a href="">now available online here</a>. This includes:</p><ul><li>Registration details&nbsp;</li><li>Hackathon timeline and schedule&nbsp;</li><li>Challenge categories and judging criteria&nbsp;</li><li>Exciting prizes for the winners&nbsp;</li></ul><p>If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at <a href=""></a>.</p><p>Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of something extraordinary!&nbsp;</p><p>Let's come together and use technology's power to enhance how we experience this sport season.</p>

Calling all developers, sports fans, and creative minds! Are you passionate about the sport and exci...

Build High-Quality Landing Pages in Minutes with Qodly

Build High-Quality Landing Pages in Minutes with Qodly


<p>I'm Eric Minyem, a web developer and digital manager. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of assisting several companies in their digital transformation process by taking on tasks such as project management, redesigning and designing web platforms using CMS like Drupal, WordPress, Spip, Wix, Typo3, Joomla, as well as developing E-commerce solutions with Magento, Shopify, and WooCommerce. Digitalization is intensifying in the business sector. The emergence of Low/No Code/HYBRID technologies has facilitated the rise of Citizen Developers. These developers, increasingly present, are creating their own professional tools. Several advantages emerge from this innovative and pragmatic approach:&nbsp;</p><ul><li>Reduction of time to market&nbsp;</li><li>Cost optimization&nbsp;</li><li>Transformation of business processes directly by users as a digital project manager, with Qodly, I wanted to test my abilities to create a complete landing page at a low cost and in record time.</li></ul><p>Qodly offers several templates (Dataclasses, HR...) that will save you time in the design phase. You can also create your own custom design and integrate it or use one of the many built-in design templates.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank">Several tutorials</a> (<a href="" target="_blank">blog posts and videos</a>) will help you understand the <a href="" target="_blank">Qodly interface</a>. We found the backend simple and well-designed.</p><p>We aim to discover Qodly's various functionalities by creating a landing page.</p><p>To do this, we've chosen and customized a predefined template called Business &amp; Travel, through which, under the theme of Travel &amp; Business, we've introduced logic and variables encoding links between locations (Paris, Singapore, London, Tokyo, New York)., versus Hotels, Cars, Flights, testimonials.</p><p>In the first part of the landing page, we created a slider with two images (Business &amp; Travel). You can also integrate a slider via custom components in the various zones available on the Qodly platform. We'll do that later.</p><img src="/sites/default/files/landingQodly.png" data-entity-uuid="2ccb7331-2604-484a-8175-e1d8c7ef896e" data-entity-type="file" alt="" width="902" height="1334"><p>&nbsp;</p><p>In the second part of the landing, hotels, cars, flights, and testimonials are displayed according to the city selected.</p><p>We also integrated an online booking system for hotels, cars, and flights for each destination. Users can select their stay dates and preferences and make their reservations directly from the landing page.</p><p>- Hotels</p><img src="/sites/default/files/hotels%2BTestimonials.png" data-entity-uuid="e311f249-c1df-4784-9362-b58dd769c2f4" data-entity-type="file" alt="" width="3360" height="1926"><p>- Cars</p><img src="/sites/default/files/Cars.png" data-entity-uuid="56d9ab1f-66e7-444e-a234-8c9e09e5c62c" data-entity-type="file" alt="" width="3268" height="1264"><p>- Flights</p><img src="/sites/default/files/Flights.png" data-entity-uuid="25c13460-a741-4055-a936-c031292f6824" data-entity-type="file" alt="" width="3238" height="1160"><p>- Testimonials</p><img src="/sites/default/files/Testimonials.png" data-entity-uuid="0492d4e4-1e0a-43b7-9de1-4b0d0e98db86" data-entity-type="file" alt="" width="3332" height="808"><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Finally, to make the user experience even more immersive, we added testimonials from satisfied customers who have already traveled with our services. These authentic reviews help reassure future travelers and strengthen confidence in our platform.</p><p>In conclusion, this landing page created with Qodly demonstrates the power and flexibility of this tool for developing quality digital projects quickly and cost-effectively. I am convinced that this experience with Qodly opens up new perspectives for companies' digital transformation. if you have any questions, feel free to connect with us on the <a href="" target="_blank">Forums</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Slack</a>.</p>

I'm Eric Minyem, a web developer and digital manager. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege...

Empower your Career Advancement with Qodly Hybrid Low Code: My Testimonial!

Empower your Career Advancement with Qodly Hybrid Low Code: My Testimonial!


<p>In this testimonial, I aim to emphasize the benefits of a user-friendly, intuitive platform named Qodly, tailored for individuals like me who lack coding expertise but need advanced applications in my role as a Digital Marketing advisor. This is why I chose Qodly, and my experience with it was consistently positive.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>Effortless Setup</h2><p>The concept of the Qodly hybrid low code platform equipped me with the necessary tools to create various Digital Marketing applications efficiently.&nbsp;</p><p>As a coding novice, I set a goal to understand the basics independently so that I could better communicate with my clients, gain time, and provide the best service possible.&nbsp;</p><p>I was pleasantly surprised by how easily I set up my account on Qodly. The platform provided the guidance I needed at my own pace, allowing me to progress comfortably in a new field.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>Sandbox Your Way to Success: Prototyping Made Easy</h2><p>Exploring the documentation, I quickly grasped the fundamentals of application development using Sandbox templates for design.</p><p>The Qodly hybrid low-code platform not only saves me time but also reduces development costs by eliminating the need for expensive developers, making it a valuable tool for beginners like me.&nbsp;</p><p>The platform offers pre-built features such as databases, automation tools, and integrated APIs, streamlining the development process.</p><p>This experience completely changed my perception of coding and motivated me to push my limits. Fear has been replaced by curiosity to learn more and improve myself daily. I now connect as often as possible, and I am impressed by how quickly I am able to evolve these applications.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>Progressive Training Takes You on a Step-by-Step Journey</h2><p>I was also impressed by the 17 progressive training modules, which covered technical aspects of the process and offered a step-by-step evolutionary program.</p><a href=""><img src="/sites/default/files/QodlyResources_0.png" data-entity-uuid="0a88b96a-4247-4bb2-831b-0fe84adf62bb" data-entity-type="file" alt="" width="1384" height="934"></a><h2>&nbsp;</h2><h2>Beyond Coding: A Community to Support Your Growth</h2><p>Qodly's expanding <a href="">community</a> allows easy access to learning from fellow members and citizen developers, enhancing the overall experience and including everyone regardless of their coding level.&nbsp;</p><p>In conclusion, implementing a productivity-enhancing application has not only been rewarding but has also deepened my understanding of emerging technologies, such as hybrid code platforms.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>What's next?</h2><p>I look forward to sharing more details about my final application with you soon and giving you more insights into my overall experience!&nbsp;</p><p>If you're also interested in how Qodly can transform your professional life, create an account <a href="">here</a> and stay updated through our blog!&nbsp;</p>

In this testimonial, I aim to emphasize the benefits of a user-friendly, intuitive platform named Qo...

Low-code vs. No-code: Unveiling the Key Differences

Low-code vs. No-code: Unveiling the Key Differences


<p>In software development's changing landscape, two words have become increasingly important in recent times: Low-Code and No-Code. These approaches for developing applications promise shorter delivery times, lower costs, and increased flexibility. However, it's essential for businesses and developers looking to exploit their potential effectively to understand the distinctions between these two approaches. In this blog post, we'll look at the differences between Low-code and No-code, exploring their differences and highlighting their unique benefits.</p><h2>Understanding low-code</h2><p>Low-code platforms allow developers to create applications with minimal manual coding and focus on visual development. These platforms typically offer pre-built components, drag-and-drop interfaces, and configurable logic to streamline the development process. While coding skills are helpful, they are not always essential for creating applications on low-code platforms.</p><h2>What about no-code?</h2><p>No-code platforms go a step further in simplifying application development by allowing users to create functional applications without writing a single line of code. These platforms offer intuitive interfaces, templates, and predefined logic, enabling users from all backgrounds, including business analysts and citizen developers, to create applications independently.</p><h2>Key differences&nbsp;</h2><p>Now that we've established the basic definitions, let's look at the main distinctions between Low-code and No-code development:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h3>1- Coding skill level:</h3><p><strong>Low-code: </strong>Although low-code platforms reduce the amount of manual coding required, developers still need a certain level of coding skill to customize and extend applications effectively.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>No-code:</strong> No-code platforms completely eliminate the need for coding skills, allowing users with limited technical expertise to create functional applications using intuitive interfaces and predefined components.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h3>2- Flexibility and customization:&nbsp;</h3><p><strong>Low-code:</strong> Low-code platforms offer more flexibility and customization options than No-code platforms. Developers can integrate custom code, leverage APIs, and fine-tune application logic to meet specific business requirements.</p><p><strong>No-code:</strong> While no-code platforms excel at rapid application development, they can have limitations in terms of customization and extensibility. Users are often limited by the features and functionality provided by the platform.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h3>3- Target audience:&nbsp;</h3><p><strong>Low-code:</strong> Low-code platforms are aimed primarily at professional developers and IT teams looking to speed up the development process and streamline workflows without sacrificing flexibility.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>No-code:</strong> No-code platforms are aimed at a wider audience, including business users, entrepreneurs, and citizen developers who want to create applications independently without relying on technical resources.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h3>4- Application complexity:&nbsp;</h3><p><strong>Low-code:</strong> Low-code platforms are well suited to creating complex, enterprise-level applications that require integration with existing systems, advanced logic, and scalability.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>No-code:</strong> No-code platforms are ideal for creating simple to moderately complex applications such as workflow automation tools, basic productivity applications, and simple data management systems.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>Qodly's position&nbsp;</h2><p><a href="">Qodly</a> is a hybrid low-code platform for web applications. This approach combines the speed and efficiency of low-code development with the advanced capabilities and freedom of customization of traditional development. While Qodly facilitates the rapid development of applications with the visual interfaces and streamlined processes characteristic of low-code platforms, it also allows for greater customization and flexibility, which aligns more closely with the low-code approach.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>Conclusion&nbsp;</h2><p>Choosing between the "Low-code" and "No-code" methods is essential for creating software quickly and correctly. The Low-code method is suitable for professional developers looking for speed and control. In contrast, the No-code method is ideal for people who are not coders but still want to create applications quickly.&nbsp;</p><p>Qodly is a hybrid solution that combines the best elements of the low-code and no-code paradigms. With its hybrid low-code approach, Qodly offers the efficiency of visual development and streamlined processes, coupled with the flexibility of traditional development practices.&nbsp;</p><p>Remember, choosing the correct method depends on the complexity of your project and the people working on it. Understanding these methods will help you create better software faster!</p>

In software development's changing landscape, two words have become increasingly important in recent...

Hybrid Low-Code Vs. Low-Code Platforms — What’s the Difference?

Hybrid Low-Code Vs. Low-Code Platforms — What’s the Difference?


<p>Apps have become the “efficiency interfaces” of the business world. Instead of keeping track of important information or developing new processes in an excel sheet, custom apps have become the go-to solution to automate what was once done by hand.&nbsp;</p><p>However, businesses ran into a problem: apps just take too long to create from the ground up. The solution? Low-code. Low-code platforms became an easy and fast way to build apps without having to manually write all the code behind the platform.&nbsp;</p><p>Instead, low-code platforms implement a slew of pre-programmed “building blocks” that developers can simply drag and drop into place. This results in a lower amount of manually written code, hence: “low-code.”&nbsp;</p><p>Unfortunately, low-code solutions have their own set of problems as well, which is why a new form of rapid application development (RAD) was created - hybrid low-code. To understand hybrid low-code and the nuances of low-code vs hybrid low-code, it is important to first gain a better understanding of low-code platforms.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>What Is Low-Code?</h2><p title="low code and hybrid development">Before diving too deep into what low code and hybrid development are, it will be helpful to know what the “competitors” are. What are the cons of Low Code?&nbsp;</p><p title="low code and hybrid development">There are three main types of platforms in app development:</p><ul><li title="Full code platforms"><strong>Full-Code Platforms</strong>: Full-code platforms lack pre-programmed building blocks. Instead, apps are built entirely by manually written code. While this type of platform allows for the creation of more complex and customizable apps, it is very time-consuming and requires expert developers. &nbsp;&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;</li><li title="No code platforms"><strong>No-Code Platforms</strong>: No-code platforms are the opposite of full-code platforms. Instead of having to manually write the code, these platforms rely solely on pre-programmed building blocks for app development. As a result, “citizen developers” or those with no prior coding experience, are able to build apps.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;</li><li title="Low-Code platforms"><strong>Low-Code Platforms</strong>: Low-code platforms are somewhat in the middle between full-code and no-code platforms. They do have a set of pre-programmed building blocks but they also allow for some manually written code.</li></ul><p><img src="/sites/default/files/blog%20images/Qodly%20Low-code%20platform.%20No-code%20platform%2C%20Drag%26Drop.png" alt="Qodly: Low-Code platform, Drag&amp;Drop, No Code" width="1300" height="485">&nbsp;</p><p>While low-code may seem like the perfect balance between no-code and full-code, there is one large problem that impedes the development of cohesive business applications.&nbsp;</p><p>Low-code platforms often operate within their own integrated development environment (IDE). In other words, low-code platforms lack a “bridge” between other platforms. As a result, developers are forced to jump from one platform to the other.&nbsp;</p><p>This has created a segmented development process and ends up creating multiple independent development silos. Because of that, developers are forced to work within the confines of each IDE.&nbsp;</p><p title="hybrid development and hybrid low-code">To solve this problem, hybrid development and hybrid low-code platforms were created.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>What is Hybrid Low-Code?</h2><p>A hybrid low-code platform allows developers to build apps without the confines of a low-code platform. To better understand this, imagine a development environment with a toolbar. The toolbar consists of three main tools: full-code, no-code, and low-code.&nbsp;</p><p>In this environment, a developer can easily switch between the best of all three platforms. The developer is able to build an app from pre-programmed building blocks, from manually writing the code, or from a little of both.&nbsp;</p><p>In other words, developers are not confined to a single platform but instead are able to build an app in an open environment between platforms.&nbsp;</p><p>As a result, with a hybrid low-code platform, the problem of jumping from IDE to IDE no longer exists. Instead, a seamless, efficient, and comprehensive app-building experience is created.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>Is Hybrid Low-Code the Next Step in App Development?</h2><p>&nbsp;</p><img src="/sites/default/files/blog%20images/Qodly%20blog-Hybrid-lode%20vs%20Full-code%2C%20No-code%20vs%20Low-Code.png" data-entity-uuid="240a7116-1712-46a1-adca-5c06f1a309b2" data-entity-type="file" alt="" width="1300" height="485"><p>&nbsp;</p><p title="Hybrid low-code approach">Hybrid low-code approach allows for more flexibility in the app development process. Novice and citizen developers are able to operate in a hybrid low-code platform using pre-programmed building blocks. At the same time, expert developers can be called in to write more complex code.&nbsp;</p><p>This allows businesses to make use of both full-code and low to no-code options all within one platform which avoids the problem of creating independent IDEs or silos while maintaining the benefits of RAD.&nbsp;</p><p>As a result, a more cohesive and efficient way of building apps is made. So, it is safe to say that hybrid low-code is the next step in app development. &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>Summary</h2><p>All in all, apps are a great way to automate business processes. But when it comes to automating the app-development process, full-code platforms are just too slow and cumbersome.&nbsp;</p><p>So, eventually, low-code platforms became the answer by relying on pre-programmed building blocks and a small amount of manual coding.&nbsp;</p><p>Unfortunately, low-code platforms lack the comprehensiveness of full-code platforms and are limited to their own IDE which results in development silos. That is why hybrid low-code platforms were created - to bridge the gap between low-code and full code and to allow for an open and cohesive development process. As a result, developers can now enjoy the benefits of both full-code and low-code in one platform.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;</p><hr><p><br>With the introduction of hybrid low-code platforms like Qodly, developers can now seamlessly integrate high code vs low code approaches, ensuring a comprehensive and efficient app-building experience. With <a href="" target="_blank">Qodly,</a> a new hybrid Low-Code Platform, you can create business apps tailored to your needs without the hassle of extensive coding. Plus, if you wish to customize further, you have the freedom to add your code, ensuring you're never limited or stuck.&nbsp;</p><p>Experience high-performance applications, thanks to the seamless integration of 4D technology with open-source web frameworks. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn more about this powerful platform</a> and start building your web apps for your business today.</p>

Apps have become the “efficiency interfaces” of the business world. Instead of keeping track of impo...